Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Told you my drawings were getting better

Just look how accurate I am!*

I ♥ Caska

*In reference to previous post
For awesome drawing of Caska CLICK HERE 
OR, just, um, scroll down. :P

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Need a distraction

I've just finished reading one of the most disturbing books I've ever read. It's such a horrible thing sometimes, imagination. As a child I was never allowed to read scary stories, watch thrillers, or even discuss the horrifying unimaginable. Now when I come across some foul literature or film, the ideas encompassed irk me into nightmares and sometimes instances of paranoia.

Sometimes I wonder if I had been able to witness some of these disturbing films, literature, and the like, whether or not I would be able to handle them now. Is seeing or thinking about human cruelty, nature, or fear-inducing images at an early age like being administered a vaccine against disease? If it is, then I most certainly missed out and have not grown an immunity of any sort.

In other words, I'm drinking diet coke, sleep-deprived, and officially freaked out.

Monday, August 16, 2010

True Love

Sometimes I want to be mean to my cat. I just want to squeeze her lights out till she can't meow anymore.

But I don't. I mean, I can't. So instead I tell her I'm going to noogie her really hard. Like really hard.
*insert evil laugh*

Friday, August 6, 2010

Damn, I was going for "pensive."

have you ever wanted to write about your life? tell your story? be heard?
if you did, what would it say?

i've asked myself this question a thousand times, but i can never really pin the answer. it's almost as if my story has a million beginnings, but they never really add up to much more than a few failed ideas. this saddens me.

i suppose my problem lies in the fact that i don't really know what i want for myself. don't get me wrong - i want stuff. i want to be stuff. i want to create. but i don't know what i'm meant to be, or have, or to create. and it is frustrating.

in other news: i ate way too much pizza. like the sickening, full-until-tomorrow's-lunch kind of too much. and it's making me feel doubly saddened.