Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bobcat Harbors a Secret

Bobcat: I don't understand why they just don't say happy bertday to her. I mean, I thought at least nikjonus would understand! She loves his music! And! He's amazing!
Caska: "Amazing?"
Bobcat: Heck yes! That's nik-talk for sooper-crazy-great-purfec-fun-yummy-scrumpshus-and SUHWEET!
Jessa: Oh lord.
Caska: Bobcat, do you... .do you like Nick Jonas?
Bobcat: Almost as much as I like playing and eating. And sometimes when I'm playing, I sing nikjonus. I know all the words. (*proudly*)
Caska: All the words to which song?
Bobcat: All of them.
Caska: Wait, you're telling me that you know ALL the words to ALL of the songs on his NEW album?
Bobcat: Yah!
Jessa: How?
Bobcat: I listened to that little box with the strings all by myself!
Caska: What little box?
Bobcat: The one that nikjonus sings out of. That little! You know! It's over there! (*points*)
Caska: You listened to Bon's iPod?! Were you careful?! The last 2 times we got in trouble because you chewed the earphones beyond repair!
Jessa: I hate that name. "Pod." Filth.
Bobcat: IT'S FINE, OK? Jeez! Wuns I got it to work it was no problim. Hmpf! ...Can we jus talk about the twitter thing?
Jessa: How do you know about Twitter, but you don't know what an iPod is?
Bobcat (*not hearing Jessa*): He should just say happy bertday to me-HER. I mean.

Amazing Day? Check!

Today is my birthday. I'm 22 years old and so far, it's been great :D. Myra took me to see Valentine's Day, I got to visit James, and now I'm reading hundreds of tweets OC (@ocie7up) posted to try to get the Jonas Brothers to say happy birthday to me. To quote Nick J, I feel an "amazing day" coming on.

Really, though. I've never been one for big showy events, so simple gestures and acts of kindness go a long way for me. From what I can see, though, OC's Mission has NOT been simple. She deserves some kinda payback. Of course, she probably doesn't think so, but she does.

Sisters have a crazy kind of love. No offense to brothers of the world, but sisters are intensely different. Especially Gorman sisters (this is to include my newly married sister - to me she'll always be a Gorman). There is nothing more wild and dangerously awesome as Gorman love.

Sigh. <3

i think i'll blog more at the end of this day. to update on the Jonas Brother/Twitter status. (crossing my fingers!)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Don't forget that my birthday is coming up

i feel like i could go for a run, dance, sing, jump, fight, play in the dirt.

music does that to me. great music. i think i'll make another singing youtube. i haven't done that in a way long time.

i think that's because even though i LOVE to sing, i don't think i'll ever be as good as i want. singing publicly makes me nervous. crazy nervous. i think i already mentioned my lunatic anxiety issues.

i'm a lunatic.

a singing lunatic.

My Birthday is coming up, Nick J!

Music, music, music, music!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Traveling = inevitable road rage on my part

a few weeks past, my sister, my boyfriend, and i went on a road trip. my oldest sister got married. yes - my sister is now a wife and will soon have a new last name. i just watched the Hannah Montana Movie. and i'm jealous that Selena is cuddling with Nick Jonas somewhere.

i have no idea where this blog should begin and where it will end.


the point of me including this in my blog was to note my apologies to my sister and my boyfriend.

i am terrible with pressure - even if it only exists in my head. haha. seriously, though. i recall yelling the other day, "ugh, mother fu**er!" at a parked motorcycle. haha.

wedding issues.

i have never attended or participated in a wedding until my sister's. it was chaotic. but it was also fun. we got to wear sparkly converse.

Hannah Montana.
i still can't get over the fact that Jackson is actually like 32 and married.

Selena Gomez.

Nick Jonas.

Monday, February 1, 2010

i'm becoming a sloth

i think i'm sleeping my life away. depression is about to set in. still no job. sleeping too much during the day and awake too much during the night. sigh.

i want to sing. sing, sing, sing, at the top of my lungs. but it's 5am and i'm at my sister/friends' house and the gotta work later. ha. i suppose i'll have to settle for low singing.

before i graduated i made a bit of a list of things i needed to do after. here's a shortened list of how it went:

1. work out
2. cook more
3. sleep better
4. know the news

so far none of these has been checked off. :(

how do i still have no motivation? maybe because i feel like time has ceased in my life, but at the same time it's breathing down my neck. get off me, time!

ok. i'm done with this depression.