Friday, April 2, 2010

For Shame

i'm having an affair. there. i said it. it's all out in the open. i'm a cheater. a filthy scumbag.

so i wrote a letter.

being that this is a first draft, maybe you could proofread for me...?


Dear Cherry Coke,

I love you. But I need to take a break. You will never stop being delicious to me - ours is a deep and effortless love. I did something very wrong - you know what...and I want to work things out. But I think in order to do that I need to clear my head and see where this road leads to. Please don't be mad at Coke, either. It's not Coke's fault - it's all mine. I know you probably don't want to see me...but if you want to talk you can find me on Facebook or Twitter (@micheon).
