Monday, March 29, 2010
I'm a bad person
this morning my boyfriend and i went to the Tempe Town Lake. while we were admiring the ducks and laughing about the time i saw some dude trying to surf (wet suit and all) i reached in my pocket to find some paper when my pen fell into the lake. my boyfriend was convinced that if i were to hold his sweater and grip the wall he could hover over the water and be able to save the pen. after several seconds of serious contemplation of this proposal, i decided the pen was too far out and if i were to drop him my swimming capabilities would be severely insufficient.
plus - yuck. that water looked disgusting.
so i watched the pen float away and knew it would haunt me all day. i hate litterbugs. i feel like i just dirtied the world. :(
on another note! can you believe some guy was trying to surf in Tempe Town Lake? when i saw this unknown dude in the lake i was on a bus shuttle downtown and i remember the person sitting in front of me saying (loudly and to no one in particular), "he's gonna be waiting a long time!"
Friday, March 26, 2010
Pipe Dreams
i wish i made music. i mean really made music. yes, i know there are classes for that kind of thing - but i wish i was a natural musician. there are some things in this world that can never be taught - like how to write a great song and still have room in your head for more. now, some songs aren't necessarily written by the musician performing (Play My Music was actually not written by the JOBROS), this i know. but, it takes so much for all the people involved to know just what the song is supposed to feel like.
music is feeling. not simply sound, but feeling. i wish i could make people feel the way i'm feeling sometimes. sound is great an all, but i'd rather people felt what i felt more than heard what i'm saying. that is an amazing kind of power. to let someone else (if only one other person) into your head and experience the resounding power of shared emotion is...miraculous.
maybe one day i'll be able to write a song. countless times i've tried just to have to put those hopes back in the drawer for another attempt at another time. sigh. i guess it might be too much pressure on myself to try to squeeze forced miracle into my life. i'm so bad with pressure. i'm like that fumbling idiot in a scary movie who can't get their keys in the lock in time.
i suppose for now i'll just have to settle for dancing until my feet can't feel the ground - which is actually not so bad. :D
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Love Letters
it's funny how i don't remember all the things that i put into those letters, but i remember exactly how i was feeling when i wrote them. this worries me. ha!
it worries me because i am a hard-core emotional person. i used to believe in romance movies and love songs more than the earth that pushed up from underneath me. i imagined a world that only involved being swept off my feet, having a big fight/moment of truth that ultimately resulted in the best kiss of my life while soaked in the rain. i never could decide on the ending, though. but it was definitely more than dramatic.

luckily, i haven't strayed too much from this imagination. i still daydream all of the time about conversations i'll probably never have and scenes of passionate embraces. haha.
even more luckily, though, i have a real life. with real characters and real consequences. and lord am i glad that i never ended up with those kids who found themselves embarrassed and red-faced reading my sappy attempt at romance.
right now i'm where i'm supposed to be. sitting here, with my cats, my own messes to clean up, listening to music, and watching James grimace while he plays World Of Warcraft. I love him.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
if you have ever done Tae Bo before, you know what i'm talking about. it's one thing for Billie Blanks to go and be all positive and energetic the whole time, pep-talking you through the whole thing, but Shellie goes around having perfect form, stamina, and SMILING the entire time. SMILING! SMILING?!? SMILING. ugh! it makes me want to upper-cut her in the jaw. of course, it's probably also so toned that i'd only hurt myself.
sigh. needless to say, i have begun working out again. and i don't hate her. but i do.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
These arms were meant for sewing!
"One of the biggest challenges you'll face in your life is folding a fitted sheet." - Sweet Lady in How to Fold a Fitted Sheet YouTube
ain't that the truth.
today i did some volunteer work at a shelter/resource center for the homeless. when i got there the staff were amazed at just how little "customers" were coming in to be helped. so amazed that, unfortunately, i was given the task to stand around for an hour talking to Luis (another volunteer) about my vampire schedule, school, and the deliciousness of the cupcakes being given out.
finally, we were reassigned to another area and my biggest fear soon faced me. i was *DUN-DUN-DUN* told to fold a box of sheets.
now, folding flat sheets are easy-peasy (sp?), but i am the WORST fitted sheet folder. the absolute worst. my mom used to chase me away from the sheet folding because i was so clueless and so i never learned (or even saw) how to fold a fitted sheet. completely embarrassing, i know.
so how have i been folding them now that i'm on my own, you ask? well...let's just say my sheets tend to take up a maximum amount of mass AND volume wherever they are...
anways! immediately when i got home i youtubed how to fold a fitted sheet and a lovely woman created a video how-to who shared my thoughts on the matter.
so - for those of you who want to know (or just want to laugh at my expense) - here is the video link:
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Today I Read Cat in the Hat 4x
today i did some babysitting. pulling an all-nighter is not recommended when one has to babysit. neither is accepting babysitting responsibilities when you've pulled and all-nighter. neither is having hot chocolate and spicy chips at the same time. that has nothing to do with babysitting - i know - but still very good insight nonetheless.
ok. time to fiddle with some electrical stuff...or whatever that mess is called behind the tv that is prohibiting me from watching cartoons.